If you cannot afford representation at the first hearing we can put forward your case in writing for the court.
This is a less expensive alternative to having full representation at court.
This will enable you to continue driving for the duration of the case (typically 3 to 6 months) assuming you have full driving licence and no bail conditions.
We complete the Preparation for Effective Trial (PET) form on your behalf setting out the legal arguments in your case.
This is a complex form which requires a specialist drink/ drug driving solicitor to complete with any mistakes in police procedure and evidence requests. This will allow us to apply for the charges to be dismissed if the police fail to supply the information and it is not possible to have a fair trial. This is how most successful cases are achieved.
The firm also provides you with client information on self representation and we can be contacted by phone to support you on the date of hearing.
After the first hearing we prepare your case and consider all opportunities to have the charges discontinued.
If successful there will be no driving ban, no criminal record and we can reclaim a proportion of your legal fees.
If it not possible to have the charges discontinued we can recommend the shortest possible driving ban and request the drink driving awareness course to reduce the ban (alcohol cases).
The fees for assistance without representation are £705.
Next steps
Contact the office if you would like to continue and arrange payment of the initial £165 deposit here